workplace wellness training


Mindfulness for Improved health and enhanced performance of your staff

Pure Wellness provides a scientific-based approach to restoring balance to the mind, body and emotions through mindfulness, first for the individual and subsequently for the community as a whole. We help your staff strengthen connections, re-build confidence, adjust mindset and improve overall wellness for a more harmonious and stress-free work environment.

Rebecca will work with you to design the program that best suits your workplace culture.



I keep wanting to tell people about what I learned, and I keep re-reading my notes!! Seeing more positives today than I did yesterday as well!”

“To be given seven steps to happiness with the view that they are all managed by ourselves - we can control our own happiness.”

”I hope to take what I have learned and through more practice achieve a better quality of mental well-being at both home and work.”

”Change in auto thinking patterns, more positive outlook, lowered stress levels, better relationships.”

”The mediation was excellent and our team has started Gratitude diaries.”

”If we could do this on a regular basis it would make a big difference to how we all cope with stress and make us much more effective workers and happier people.”

“I thought the session was excellent. Rebecca gave the best description of self care I have ever heard, followed by a flowing discourse that just really made sense. I’d love to do more sessions with her.
— Tasmanian Corporate Staff 2022